..the underground railroad


WeBuyBlack.com is an online marketplace where customers may purchase everything they want and need provided by Black owned businesses. Sellers may register to sell their products to a diverse, open, and international market. Webuyblack.com was created by Howard University Alumnus Shareef Abdul-Malik in 2015 after being inspired: “I was inspired by a common motif heard among all great black leaders, we need to do for self and allow the world the opportunity to buy directly from the Black community.” The site was launched for public purchases on June 19th 2015, which marked the 150th anniversary of Juneteenth.

We urge that everyone experience the site by making a purchase today! Thank you!

WeBuyBlack.com is an online marketplace where customers may purchase everything they want and need provided by Black owned businesses. Sellers may register to sell their products to a diverse, open, and international market. Webuyblack.com was created by Howard University Alumnus Shareef Abdul-Malik in 2015 after being inspired: “I was inspired by a common motif heard among all great black leaders, we need to do for self and allow the world the opportunity to buy directly from the Black community.” The site was launched for public purchases on June 19th 2015, which marked the 150th anniversary of Juneteenth.
We urge that everyone experience the site by making a purchase today! Thank you!
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